Ramblings of a madman

My everyday ramblings

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Rollercoaster ride of life

Song of the day:
Thievery Corporation - Until the morning
3 months since my last post. In the meantime, I've dropped out of uni, yet again; worked as bartender in my most favorite pub in Bonn, yet again; had a good handful of depressive crises, yet again. I got back together with S in a friends-with-benefits sort of style, then we broke up again, then tried again at a 'real' relationship a 2nd time, broke up again and now we're trying again. 3rd time lucky, if I recall the saying correctly...
I spent Christmas with Quug at my place in Trier, doing nothing but sleeping, eating and, most of all, playing World of Warcraft. I spent New Year's Eve at S's place doing nothing. Most of the rest of my time was spent on WoW, in trains, working at the pub. Very uneventful, calm, grey.

I got a job again, a 'real' job that is, one that pays more than just the rent and half a week of food. Starting February 15th I'll be working in The Hague as QA for Spellborn, an upcoming fantasy MMO looking quite promising. Yet again the initial contact was made thanks to hirr, the most awesome online gaming community and collection of miserable old farts I can think of. Thanks to Xandria for putting my name forward!
Don't expect to hear too much about work/the game though, what with all the non-disclosure agreements etc! I could tell you but then I'd have to kill you...
I'll see how it goes. I'm looking forward to it, and working in the game industry has been something I've played around with in my head ever since we got a Commodore 64 way back then. The guys at the company look to be a fun and weird enough crowd, just as I like it, and once I manage to find a nice place, hopefully not too far from the sea, maybe I can finally come to terms with my unrest and inability to stay in one place.

Until then I remain unreliably yours truly.


PS: 'Lost' started again!