Ramblings of a madman

My everyday ramblings

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Broken wrist & D'n'B #3

Song of the weekend:
Thievery Corporation - Liberation Front
Friday was J's birthday, so we went to H's place to start the night with a few beer. J brought a 24-pack of Olvi 8.5% which got killed within an hour and a half or so, and we all had a nice level of funniness. Then J threw the carton box off of the balcony, which made H tell him to get it back up .. so J jumps off the balcony (ground floor, so roughly 2.5m), throws the carton box back up - and doesn't manage to climb back up.
It being an all-guys night at that time, machismo was strong in everyone, so I jump down as well and climb back up without a problem. J still doesn't manage, so I'm like "what, you want me to come down again to show you?", get over the railing, lean back a bit too much ... and lose grip. Being stupid/drunk enough to pull that stupid stunt in the first place, at least I really should've known better than to try and break my fall with my left hand stretched out behind me though, seeing how's it's pretty much the first thing they teach you for snowboarding and parachuting.
Oh well. Spent 4 hours waiting at the hospital yesterday, and there's a hair fracture in one of my wristbones. So now I'm stuck with a beautifully bandaged left wrist. Good thing it's not around 28+ degrees every day now...

In other news, last night featured the 2nd Breatbits at Klubi, and despite my wrist injury, I couldn't stay away -- and despite telling myself to not go crazy, I was dancing a lot.
This time I had S for company, and we both had the time of our lives. The live act was some kinda-rap thing from the UK, and to be perfectly honest, they were far from convincing. Their DJ fucked up a lot, they stopped their "rap" a million times when they were just picking up some speed/flow .. overall, that part of the evening was bad, but good to come down a bit and gather energy for the finishing drum'n'bass frenzy the local Klubi DJs threw at the crowd for the last one and a half hours of the night.
We left at around 4am, the sun almost up in the sky again, and I finally went to bed (after showering and re-wrapping my bandage) shortly before 5am.

And now, I think it's time for some sun, beach and barely-dressed girls. Oooh, bouncy! :)


Friday, June 09, 2006

This just in: Finland's light

Song of the day:
Breakbeat Era - Late Morning
It was James' birthday today (well, yesterday), so of course we had to go out for a few pints. Had a funny evening, a lot more people showed up than I had expected.

Walking back home about 20 minutes ago, I really noticed how light it is here. Since a picture says more than a thousand words, here goes:

Finland by 'night'