Ramblings of a madman

My everyday ramblings

Saturday, April 15, 2006

Party on Garth

Song of the weeks:
Prodigy feat. Blade - Bloodbath VS Voodoo People
Party on Wayne!
Honestly, I can't recall if I've ever been out partying as much as in the past ~7 days.
Last weekend, I spent a lazy Friday at home, getting ready for the rest of the weekend. Saturday featured one hell of a dinner out with several girls and M (Italian guy from work), a warm-up with lots of booze at S&J's place and a great party at Onnela afterwards. We arrived back 'home' at S&J's place at around 5am, had some pasta prepared by italian M and I finally passed out around 6. Woke up at around 1230, went home for a quick shower and a fast lunch and then back downtown and from there to the sauna with S&J and M. Had a good time relaxing and trying to get my stiff back and neck into regular condition again, and afterwards a well-deserved dinner at TexMex place where M(female) works.
With Easter looming on the horizon, work was a bit more busy than usual, but nothing big happened and the latest build that was scheduled for Thursday 1pm didn't arrive before we got sent home, so no rushing there.
Spent a load of time at S&J's place this week, watching Big Fish and an old episode of Lost and generally enjoying myself. Tuesday, we went out to a nice place with some Asian food, shared a huge Wok plate with Italian S (another guy from work) and I had a great time dancing to latino music on Thursday, almost ending up at J's place. Italian M's mood and my consciousness got the better of me though, and I left at roughly 6am for my place.
Tonight, we went out again, this time first to Onnela, which wasn't too great, and then to Yo-Talo, where they played some mean Drum'n'Bass which kept me going until about an hour ago. Really enjoyed myself there and danced like a possessed until they started closing the place down.

And now it's time for an aspirin and a hot shower, and then a good load of sleep. Too bad I didn't get a ticket for the boat to Tallinn anymore, else I'd be going to Estonia for the rest of Easter and enjoy the company of S&J and Italian M some more.
Ah well, I guess it's not that bad to slow down a bit again and get back to the real world. Maybe I'll go grab a pint of Guiness with Scottish J (from work again) tonight, or with my 'boss', or both. But first: aspiring, shower, bed.


Tuesday, April 04, 2006

If sick, go to sick bay

Song of the week:
James Blunt - So long Jimmie
Last Thursday, it hit again: the evil Finnish flu. This time, it was so bad, that I actually went to see a doctor, and spent 4 days home and, for the most part, in bed. In my recent series of odd sickness attacks (that might be linked, I'll know that for sure next Monday), this has been the worst so far: stomach sickness that resulted in lots of throwing-up, The Headache From HellTM for 2 days straight, a light fever that came and went at its own accord, my throat hurt so much that even drinking tea (to calm down my stomach and to ease the pain in the throat) was close to a no-go; on top of that, my back started going wild on me because of all the lying around I exposed it to, which didn't exactly make things better.
Over the course of Sunday afternoon, the last remainders slowly left into their respective hiding spots, save for the headache, which boldly stayed until Monday afternoon. Just in time for my second date with the doc on Monday, to run some more tests in order to find out what exactly was/is wrong with my body at the moment.

My impression of the Finnish health care system so far: very thorough.
The doc told me he'd like to run "a few more" tests, if I was okay with that. Turns out "a few" relates to 7 additional tests, 4 of which needed blood samples. Results of all the tests should be ready by next Monday, so then I'll hopefully know what's wrong and if it really was just a Finnish flu-strain that wrecked me like this ... which is the result I'm hoping for to be honest!

In other news, I finally got around to getting my Finnish tax card, so I'll finally get paid for the work I'm doing.
Work has been a bit frustrating, mostly because I manage to produce more and weirder errors and bugs than all the others combined, and then some. A lot of them are very hard to reproduce (it seems there are quite a few "random" bugs), so now the senior test engineer starts rolling his eyes whenever I ask him if he could come have a look.

Also, the company is looking to hire people to work in UK; unfortunately, I'm not a senior software developer and/or programmer for linux. Too bad, really...

So much for an update. I'll try to post more regularly from now on, as long as there's stuff to write about.
