Ramblings of a madman

My everyday ramblings

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

First day at work, sort of...

Song of the day:
The Chemical Brothers - Galvanize
Today I spent the first somewhat regular day at the office.
I didn't really do anything yet, other than play around with one of the latest toys made by Nokia.
I also found out that my contract says I'm supposed to be starting on March 16th, instead of March 1st, which was the date I somehow falsely memorized. Turns out I'll be starting at March 1st (tomorrow) anyways, it all just got mixed up a bit, and I'm kind of 'booked' from March 16th onwards for a different department or some such thing.

I'm working with 2 girls (hah!), one from Portugal (hot!) and one from France, as well as with my project coordinator (or whatever his official title is) and the lead tester, who in reality has some fancy title as well.
The whole team is very cool, relaxed and laid-back, nobody's acting out their superior position in the company etc and the general tone of conversation really makes me feel comfortable. But then again, if my direct superior joking about us doing the work while he's surfing porn doesn't make me feel comfortable, what will? :)

Tomorrow, I'll be starting my first real day of work, and it'll start at 10, which is a very nice time to start work in my opinion. Although it can't really compete with the bartender job I've had back in Germany (free drinks, a pinball machine and a tabletop soccer; very hard to beat!), it's still right up there ... and we do have a pool table to get our motivation back up.

I've also hooked up with another guy from hirr, who happens to work there too, and we already decided we needed to figure out who really is the biggest, baddest and meanest in regards to Rock-Paper-Scissors, Pool and Tabletop Soccer. I am so going to get my ass handed to me in Pool, but counting on my luck, I should beat him at R-P-S ... and it'll be a cold day in Hell when I let an untrained Finn beat me at tabletop soccer! ;p

Signing off for now, got some food to catch up on.


Monday, February 27, 2006

And so it begins..

Song of the day:
George Thorogood & The Destroyers - Bad to the bone
After arriving safely last Friday evening and pretty much slacking off the entire weekend, I took a trip downtown today ... only to be confronted with the biggest assembly of hot girls I've so far had.
Despite my "blonde" phase being long over, I think I might fall back to preying on them; the sheer variety of good-looking blondes with a nice face, a smile that can meld glaciers and a petite figure is astounding. I'm destined to get into trouble here, but I don't really mind that kind of trouble.

Even the girls working at the McDonalds I went to today were really cute (yes, I sinned; been my first time in a McD/BK/KFC in 4 years or more though) and I'll be damned if the one I ordered my Big Big Mac from didn't turn flirt hyperdrive on when I opened my mouth and started speaking English.
In all the countries I've seen so far, the employees at the fast-food place of your choice usually were rather flat, but my first impression (of this particular girl at this particular McD anyways) was far better...

I'm a sucker for foreigners. I don't really know why, but I loosen up a lot when I'm around foreign girls (or guys, for that matter; to a different extent though :D) and despite being generally rather shy - stop rolling your eyes like that - I feel a lot more comfortable and relaxed around foreigners, and foreign girls in particular.
Now I'm in a country full of foreigners (pretty much, from my point of view), so yay, I guess that's a jackpot for me.

Anyways. Thought I might as well finish this post with a picture; not of a girl, but of the view I have from my desk's window. It's nice too ... and a lot less troublesome, so enjoy, until next time.
