Ramblings of a madman

My everyday ramblings

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Mysterious party injury

Song of the day:
Fear Factory - Act of God
So it appears I was a bit too wild last night: my right foot has a mysterious party injury, and I don't have the slightest idea what I did or how it happened. It doesn't really feel like I twisted my ankle, more like I kicked the sole really, really hard on some edge.
It's very annoying, because it's quite noticable when I'm walking, and it even stings a bit if I just have the foot "resting" on the floor; kinda highly pressure-sensitive at the moment. :(

On top of that, my back is a total mess today. Guess that's why my mom always told me to not go out with nothing but a light jacket when I was all hot and sweaty. I need a long trip to the sauna I think .. luckily, tomorrow will feature gym again, which includes sauna. \o/

But now, I think I should catch up on some sleep again, so..



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